Year 11 / Blwyddyn 11

Good morning. For any year 11 pupil intending to leave site during lunchtimes it is essential that they have their lanyard and ID. Without their lanyard your son/daughter will need to get food from the school canteen. Can you please ensure that they have money on parent pay just in case. Thanks for your support in this safeguarding matter –  Year 11 team.

Bore da. Ar gyfer disgyblion Blwyddyn 11 sy’n bwriadu gadael y safle amser cinio mae’n rhaid iddynt wisgo ei lanyard personol. Heb y lanyard fe fydd yn rhaid i’ch mab/merch gael bwyd o gegin yr ysgol. A fyddech cystal a sicrhau fod arian ar parent pay rhag ofn. Diolch am eich cefnogaeth ar y mater o ddiogelu yma -Tim Blwyddyn 11.

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